********** PALETTES ********** #Palettes are in three sections, 8 dark colors, 8 light ones and a border color. #The first four palettes are for normal gameplay and screen fading in-out. The #next four have no known use at present, but are likely used for masking. #Colors as follows: $1F, white; $1E, yellow; $19, light purple; $1C, light red; # $1B, light teal; $1A, light green; $19, light blue; $19, light green # $07, light grey; $06, brown; $05, dark purple; $04, dark red # $03, dark teal; $02 dark green; $01, dark grey $00, black %patch $366F4 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 #Black %patch $34705 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $01 $02 $03 $04 $05 $06 $07 $00 #Fade 2 %patch $34716 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $18 $19 $1A $1B $1C $1D $1E $1F $00 #Fade 1 %patch $34727 $00 $01 $02 $03 $04 $05 $06 $07 $18 $19 $1A $1B $1C $1D $1E $1F $00 #Normal gameplay %patch $34738 $00 $01 $02 $03 $04 $05 $06 $07 $1F $1F $1F $1F $1F $1F $1F $1F $00 #Unknown (Inverse of fade 1) %patch $34749 $1F $1F $1F $1F $1F $1F $1F $1F $1F $1F $1F $1F $1F $1F $1F $1F $1F #Unknown (White) %patch $3475A $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 #Unknown (Black) %patch $31BE2 $00 $01 $02 $03 $04 $05 $06 $07 $18 $19 $1A $1B $1C $1D $1E $1F $03 #Unknown (Normal) ********** POGO ********** #Heights %patch $B97D $90 $90 #Keen always pogoes at easy height (But can't break Korath fuse!) %patch $B97D $EB #Keen always pogoes at medium/hard height (And can break Korath fuse on easy)