********** ACTION LIST ********** This is a long list of sprite actions, these tell a sprite what to do; what to behave like, what to do when shot actions to perform and almost everything else. Actions ARE sprites. The patching of sprite actions is explained more fully in the next section, this section is kept seperate for convenience, there are many actions a sprite can use, and a list of them takes up a lot of space. You will notice a number of repetitive lists; these are animation lists; each entry is one 'tick further than its predecessor. Thus slugs crawling have two entries, one for each animation and preening skypests have 18 for their long period on the ground where they lick themselves twice. The second slug slime is evaporated, the fourth unstunning bird is one animation away from unstunning. Note however that 'back and forth' enemies like slugs and Arachnuts may be frozen still [Though shootable and dangerous.] if you use an entry from lower down the list. This section and those following it allow you to change not only what sprites do, but how many steps they do it in. This is the broadest action modification; changing a action means you still use entire actions, unpatched from the game, same height, speed or position, etc. #Values for spawned sprite: $00 $00 #Nothing at all $6E $09 #Nothing $8C $09 #Keen standing $AA $09 #Keen looks up (Bored) $C8 $09 #Keen shrugs (Bored more) $E6 $09 #Keen shrugs $04 $0A #Keen shrugs $22 $0A #Keen shrugs $40 $0A #Keen shrugs $5E $0A #Keen shrugs $7C $0A #Keen moons $9A $0A #Keen moons $B8 $0A #Keen moons $D6 $0A #Keen reads book $F4 $0A #Keen reads book $12 $0B #Keen reads book $30 $0B #Keen reads book $4E $0B #Keen reads book $6C $0B #Keen reads book $8A $0B #Keen reads book $A8 $0B #Keen stops reading book $C6 $0B #Keen stops reading book $E4 $0B #Keen stops reading book $02 $0C #Keen looking up $20 $0C #Keen looking up $3E $0C #Keen looks down $5C $0C #Keen looks down $7A $0C #Keen looks down $98 $0C #Keen looking down $B6 $0C #Keen looking down $D4 $0C #Keen looking down $F2 $0C #Keen dies sprawled (Exits level if offscreen.) $10 $0D #Keen dies clutched (Exits level if offscreen.) $2E $0D #Keen die swimming sprawled (Exits level if offscreen.) $4C $0D #Keen die swimming clutched (Exits level if offscreen.) $6A $0D #Keen shooting l/r $88 $0D #Keen shooting l/r $A6 $0D #Keen shooting up $C4 $0D #Keen shooting up $E2 $0D #Keen finishes flicking switches $00 $0E #Keen finishes flicking switches $1E $0E #Keen places gem, door opens $3C $0E #Keen turns away from screen $5A $0E #Keen walks into doors $78 $0E #Keen walks into doors $96 $0E #Keen walks into doors $B4 $0E #Keen walks into doors $D2 $0E #Keen walks into doors $F0 $0E #Keen going still on a pole $0E $0F #Keen going up a pole $2C $0F #Keen going up a pole $4A $0F #Keen going up a pole $68 $0F #Keen going down a pole $86 $0F #Keen going down a pole $A4 $0F #Keen going down a pole $C2 $0F #Keen going down a pole $E0 $0F #Keen shooting l/r on a pole $FE $0F #Keen shooting l/r on a pole $1C $10 #Keen shoots up on pole $3A $10 #Keen shoots up on pole $58 $10 #Keen shooting down on a pole $76 $10 #Keen shooting down on a pole $94 $10 #Keen standing [Walking] $B2 $10 #Keen walking $D0 $10 #Keen walking $EE $10 #Keen walking $0C $11 #Keen start pogoing $2A $11 #Keen pogoing $48 $11 #Keen pogoing $66 $11 #Keen jumping $84 $11 #Keen jumping $A2 $11 #Change animation or fall [Only for Keen in some situations] $C0 $11 #Keen falling $DE $11 #Keen shoot l/r in air $FC $11 #Keen shoot l/r in air $1A $12 #Keen shoot l/r in air $38 $12 #Keen looking up, shoots upward $56 $12 #Keen shooting up $74 $12 #Keen shooting up $92 $12 #Keen look down, shoot $B0 $12 #Keen shoot down $CE $12 #Keen shoot down $EC $12 #Keen gripping ledge $0A $13 #Keen gripping ledge $28 $13 #Keen pulls himself up from ledgegripping 1 $46 $13 #Keen pulls himself up from ledgegripping 2 $64 $13 #Keen pulls himself up from ledgegripping 3 $82 $13 #Keen pulls himself up from ledgegripping 4 $A0 $13 #Keen standing on air [After pulling himself up. Doesn't fall] $56 $14 #Invisible Demo sign (For normal gameplay) $74 $14 #Demo sign (Unuseable usually) $92 $14 #Map Keen riding foot $B0 $14 #Map Keen riding foot $CE $14 #Map Keen swimming $EC $14 #Map Keen standing still $0A $15 #Map Keen waving when bored $28 $15 #Map Keen waving when bored $46 $15 #Map Keen waving when bored $64 $15 #Map Keen waving when bored $82 $15 #Map Keen waving when bored $A0 $15 #Map Keen moving $CE $15 #Didn't make it past... (Use anywhere) $EE $15 #Keen K flag waving $0C $16 #Keen K flag waving $2A $16 #Keen K flag waving $48 $16 #Keen K flag waving $66 $16 #Keen flag flips into holder $84 $16 #Keen flag flips into holder $A2 $16 #Keen flag flips into holder $C0 $16 #Keen flag flips into holder $DE $16 #Keen flag flips into holder $FC $16 #Keen flag flips into holder $1A $17 #Keen flag flips into holder $38 $17 #Keen's bullet $56 $17 #Keen's bullet $74 $17 #Keen's bullet $92 $17 #Keen's bullet $B0 $17 #Keen's bullets zaps $CE $17 #Keen's bullets zaps $EC $17 #Remove door [Nothing shown when spawned] $0A $18 #Remove door $28 $18 #Remove door $46 $18 #Something to do with scoreboard display $EC $19 #Keen swimming $0A $1A #Keen swimming $28 $1A #Keen swimming $46 $1A #Keen swimming $64 $1A #Bubble $82 $1A #Bubble $A0 $1A #Bubble $BE $1A #Bubble $DF $1D #Keen finishes level $FC $1D #Miragia animating $1A $1E #Miragia animating $38 $1E #Miragia animating $56 $1E #Miragia animating $74 $1E #Miragia animating $92 $1E #Miragia animating $B0 $1E #Miragia animating $CE $1E #Miragia animating $EC $1E #Items [Invalid without item using it] $0A $1F #Items $28 $1F #Candy/stuff got $46 $1F #Raindrop splash $64 $1F #Raindrop splash $82 $1F #Raindrop splash $B8 $1F #Thinking Council Member $D6 $1F #Walking Council member $F4 $1F #Walking Council member $12 $20 #Poison Slug $30 $20 #Poison slug $4E $20 #Poison Slug sliming $6C $20 #Short stunned poison slug $8A $20 #Tall stunned poison slug $A8 $20 #Slug Slime $C2 $20 #Slug Slime drying $E4 $20 #Mad Mushroom start $02 $21 #Mad Mushroom $20 $21 #Egg $3E $21 #Big bit of eggshell on ground $5C $21 #Small bit of shell 1 $7A $21 #Small bit of shell 2 $98 $21 #Small bit of shell 3 $B6 $21 #BlueBird hatched $D4 $21 #BlueBird walking $F2 $21 #BlueBird walking $10 $22 #BlueBird walking $2E $22 #BlueBird walking $4C $22 #Bluebird flying $6A $22 #Bluebird flying $88 $22 #Bluebird flying $A6 $22 #Bluebird flying $C4 $22 #Bluebird go to land? $E2 $22 #Stunned Bluebird $00 $23 #Bluebird unstunning $1E $23 #Bluebird unstunning $3C $23 #Bluebird unstunning $5A $23 #Bluebird unstunning $78 $23 #Arachnut $96 $23 #Arachnut $B4 $23 #Arachnut $D2 $23 #Arachnut $F0 $23 #Arachnut stunned $0E $24 #Arachnut unstunning $2C $24 #Arachnut unstunning $4A $24 #Arachnut unstunning $68 $24 #Arachnut unstunning $86 $24 #Skypest flying $A4 $24 #Skypest flying $C2 $24 #Skypest squished $E0 $24 #Skypest preening $FE $24 #Skypest preening $1C $25 #Skypest preening $3A $25 #Skypest preening $58 $25 #Skypest preening $76 $25 #Skypest preening $94 $25 #Skypest preening $B2 $25 #Skypest preening $D0 $25 #Skypest preening $EE $25 #Skypest preening $0C $26 #Skypest preening $2A $26 #Skypest preening $48 $26 #Skypest preening $66 $26 #Skypest preening $84 $26 #Skypest preening $A2 $26 #Skypest preening $C0 $26 #Skypest preening $DE $26 #Wormouth small moving $FC $26 #Wormouth small looking around $1A $27 #Wormouth looking around $38 $27 #Wormouth looking around $56 $27 #Wormouth looking around $74 $27 #Wormouth looking around $92 $27 #Wormouth looking around $B0 $27 #Wormouth looking around $CE $27 #Wormouth looking around $EC $27 #Wormouth biting $0A $28 #Wormouth biting $28 $28 #Wormouth biting $46 $28 #Wormouth biting $64 $28 #Wormouth biting $82 $28 #Wormouth stunned $A0 $28 #Cloud asleep $BE $28 #Cloud awake and still $DC $28 #Cloud moving $FA $28 #Cloud turning\starting moving $18 $29 #Cloud moving $36 $29 #Cloud zapping Keen $54 $29 #Cloud zapping Keen $72 $29 #Cloud zapping Keen $90 $29 #Cloud zapping Keen $AE $29 #Cloud zapping Keen $CC $29 #Cloud zapping Keen $EA $29 #Cloud zapping Keen $08 $2A #Cloud zapping Keen $26 $2A #Cloud zapping Keen [Lightning strikes] $44 $2A #Lightning $62 $2A #Lightning $80 $2A #Lightning $9E $2A #Lightning $BC $2A #Lightning $DA $2A #Lightning $F8 $2A #Berkeloid moving $16 $2B #Berkeloid moving $34 $2B #Berkeloid moving $52 $2B #Berkeloid moving $70 $2B #Berkeloid ready to flame $8E $2B #Berkeloid flaming $AC $2B #Berkeloid flaming $CA $2B #Berkeloid flaming $E8 $2B #Berkeloid flaming $06 $2C #Berkeloid flaming $24 $2C #Berkeloid flamed $42 $2C #Berkeloid flamed $60 $2C #Berkeloid flamed $7E $2C #Berkeloid flamed $9C $2C #Berkeloid flamed $BA $2C #Berkeloid flamed $D8 $2C #Berkeloid tossed flame $F6 $2C #Berkeloid tossed flame $14 $2D #Berkeloid landed flame $32 $2D #Berkeloid landed flame $50 $2D #Berkeloid landed flame $6E $2D #Berkeloid landed flame $8C $2D #Berkeloid landed flame $AA $2D #Berkeloid landed flame $AA $2D #Berkeloid landed flame $E6 $2D #Berkeloid landed flame $04 $2E #Berkeloid landed flame $22 $2E #Foot poof $40 $2E #Foot poof $5E $2E #Foot poof $7C $2E #Foot poof $9A $2E #Inchworm $B8 $2E #Inchworm $D6 $2E #The Foot [Spawned by Inchworms] $F4 $2E #The Foot [Placed in POTF] $12 $2F #Bounder $30 $2F #Bounder $4E $2F #Bounder moving left/right $6C $2F #Bounder moving left/right $8A $2F #Stunned Bounder [Up in air, then falling] $A8 $2F #Stunned Bounder $C6 $2F #Lick $E4 $2F #Lick $02 $30 #Lick ready to jump $20 $30 #Lick landing/jumping $3E $30 #Lick flaming $5C $30 #Lick flaming $7A $30 #Lick flaming $98 $30 #Lick flaming $B6 $30 #Lick flaming $D4 $30 #Lick flaming $F2 $30 #Lick flaming $10 $31 #Lick done flaming $2E $31 #Stunned Lick in air $4C $31 #Stunned Lick $6A $31 #Controllable Airboard $88 $31 #Airboard still $A6 $31 #Airboard fall $C4 $31 #Airboard rise $E2 $31 #Smirky (a.k.a. Gnosticene Ancient / Red Guy who steals points) $00 $32 #Smirky $1E $32 #Smirky teleporting smoke $3C $32 #Smirky teleporting smoke $5A $32 #Smirky teleporting smoke $78 $32 #Smirky teleporting smoke $96 $32 #Smirky teleporting smoke $B4 $32 #Smirky teleporting smoke $D2 $32 #Smirky teleporting smoke $F0 $32 #Smirky teleporting smoke $0E $33 #Smirky jumping to steal stuff $2C $33 #Smirky jumping to steal stuff $4A $33 #Smirky jumping to steal stuff $68 $33 #Smirky jumping to steal stuff $86 $33 #Shot Smirky $A4 $33 #Stunned Smirky $C2 $33 #Candy stolen by Smirky $E0 $33 #Candy stolen by Smirky $FE $33 #Candy stolen by Smirky $1C $34 #Candy stolen by Smirky $3A $34 #Mimrock stuck to ground $58 $34 #Mimrock sneaking $76 $34 #Mimrock sneaking $94 $34 #Mimrock sneaking $B2 $34 #Mimrock sneaking $D0 $34 #Mimrock sneaking $EE $34 #Mimrock sneaking $0C $35 #Mimrock jumping $2A $35 #Mimrock jumping $48 $35 #Mimrock jumping $66 $35 #Mimrock upside down bouncing $84 $35 #Shot Mimrock $A2 $35 #Stunned Mimrock $C0 $35 #Dopefish swimming $DE $35 #Dopefish swimming $FC $35 #Dopefish chomping [Mouth wide open] $1A $36 #Dopefish burping $38 $36 #Dopefish burping $56 $36 #Dopefish burping $74 $36 #Dopefish burping $92 $36 #Dead Schoolfish $B0 $36 #Keen eaten by Dopefish [Stays still so can't be seen behind fish] $CE $36 #Didn't make it past.. (Well of Wishes only) $EC $36 #Big bubble $0A $37 #Big bubble $28 $37 #Big bubble $46 $37 #Big bubble $64 $37 #Schoolfish $82 $37 #Schoolfish $A0 $37 #Sprite $BE $37 #Sprite aiming $DC $37 #Sprite shooting $FA $37 #Sprite shooting $18 $38 #Sprite's bullet $36 $38 #Sprite's bullet $54 $38 #Sprite's bullet $72 $38 #Sprite's bullet $90 $38 #Mine, can move both h and v $AE $38 #Mine explodes $CC $38 #Mine explodes $EA $38 #Princess Lindsey [Floats up offscreen] $08 $39 #Princess Lindsey $26 $39 #Princess Lindsey $44 $39 #Princess Lindsey $62 $39 #Dart shooter [All four, by default sprite freezes, then shoots upwards dart] $80 $39 #Dart left/right $9E $39 #Dart left/right [Shoots immediately] $BC $39 #Dart up $DA $39 #Dart up [Shoots immediately] $F8 $39 #Dart down $16 $3A #Dart down [Shoots immediately] $34 $3A #The Wetsuit $BB $3A #Keen enters Shadowlands [Sometimes takes a life if used wrong.)