#Menu window #menu pointer upwards speed %patch $9C3C $01 $00 #Font character left behind by upward moving pointer %patch $9C44 $20 $00 #Menu pointer downwards speed %patch $9D1D $01 $00 #Font character left behind by downward moving pointer %patch $9D25 $20 $00 #Menu box height in lines of text %patch $9EF0 $0A $00 #Menu box width in letters %patch $9EF4 $12 $00 #Text read from: [Text must end in $0A $00] #Add F90D to each reading value; e.g 2FB5 + F90D = 128C2 #Therefore new game text read from 9F13 + 128C2 = 1C7D5 [$2E $75 is interesting...] %patch $9F13 $B5 $2F #New Game %patch $9F1B $C2 $2F #Continue Game %patch $9F23 $D4 $2F #Story %patch $9F2B $DE $2F #About Id %patch $9F33 $EE $2F #High Scores %patch $9F3B $FE $2F #Ordering info %patch $9F43 $10 $30 #Previews! %patch $9F4B $1E $30 #Restart demo [Uses 2 $0A $0A in text!] %patch $9F53 $30 $30 #Use the %patch $9F6B $39 $30 #Arrows [Using keyboard] %patch $9F75 $40 $30 #Mouse [Using mouse] %patch $9F7F $46 $30 #Joystick [Using joystick] #Menu text #The $00 ends the text sequence, the $0A moves down a line %patch $1C7D5 " New Game" $0A $00 %patch $1C7E2 " Continue Game" $0A $00 %patch $1C7F4 " Story" $0A $00 %patch $1C7FE " About ID..." $0A $00 %patch $1C80E " High Scores" $0A $00 %patch $1C81E " Ordering Info" $0A $00 %patch $1C830 " Previews!" $0A $00 %patch $1C83E " Restart Demo" $0A $0A $00 #moves down two lines] %patch $1C850 "Use the " $00 %patch $1C859 "arrows" $00 %patch $1C860 "mouse" $00 %patch $1C866 "joystick" $00 #Menu options disabled: %patch $9E4F $EB $DE #New Game %patch $9E56 $EB $D7 #Continue game %patch $9E5E $EB $CF #Story %patch $9E68 $EB $C5 #About Id %patch $9E78 $EB $B5 #High Scores %patch $9E88 $EB $A5 #Ordering info %patch $9E9C $EB $91 #Previews %patch $9EAC $EB $81 #Restart demo #Level 'Restart demo' switches to %patch $9962 $5A $00 #90 #Level 'game starts at %patch $9971 $5A $00 #90