#B-w-B message window width [in letters] %patch $B86F $20 $00 #Window height [in lines of text] %patch $B86B $06 $00 #Text read from $19820; thus first message first line is $19820 + $35E4 # = $1CE04 Thus $A7 $37 will delete a line #First message %patch $B88D $E4 $35 %patch $B895 $05 $36 %patch $B89D $23 $36 %patch $B8A5 $43 $36 #Second message %patch $B8AF $58 $36 %patch $B8B7 $78 $36 %patch $B8BF $97 $36 #Third message %patch $B8C9 $B6 $36 %patch $B8D1 $D7 $36 %patch $B8D9 $F3 $36 %patch $B8E1 $15 $37 #Fourth message %patch $B8EB $31 $37 %patch $B8F3 $4F $37 %patch $B8FB $70 $37 %patch $B903 $8C $37 #Press a key text [complex cetering function] #Distance from top of box [4 lines down, message *starts* with $0A = 5th line, bottom of box] %patch $B90F $04 $00 #Read from: [Hard to change, see below] %patch $B915 $A8 $37 #Press a %patch $B926 $BB $37 #Key %patch $B930 $C0 $37 #Button #The BWB messages terminate with $00 and line down is $0A #BWB Message 1-4 lines %patch $1CE04 "You enter your ship, sit around" $0A $00 %patch $1CE25 "for a while, get bored, then" $0A $00 %patch $1CE43 "remember that you have to find" $0A $00 %patch $1CE63 "the Grand Intellect!" $00 #BWB Message 2-3 lines %patch $1CE78 "Into the ship you journey, lie" $0A $00 %patch $1CE98 "about a bit, then resume your" $0A $00 %patch $1CEB7 "quest for the Grand Intellect!" $00 #BWB Message 3-4 lines %patch $1CED6 "You feel like entering the ship" $0A $00 %patch $1CEF7 "and taking a rest, but the" $0A $00 %patch $1CF13 "mystery of the Grand Intellect's" $0A $00 %patch $1CF35 "identity changes your mind." $00 #BWB Message 4-4 lines %patch $1CF51 "Entering the ship might be a" $0A $00 %patch $1CF6F "fun thing to do, but right now," $0A $00 %patch $1CF90 "you need to find the Grand" $0A $00 %patch $1CFAC "Intellect and vanquish him!" $00 #Press a key message; *must* start with a $0A! %patch $1CFC8 $0A " press a " $00 %patch $1CFDB "key:" $00 %patch $1CFE0 "button:" $00