********** LIGHT SWITCH ********** #Change lightswitch tile [New tile must have lightswitch propery] %patch $6D76 $0F $01 #Make a new palette and use it for... %patch $19824 $1F $1F $1F $1F $1F $1F $1F $1F #New Palette $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 %patch $6C6C $04 $00 #Lights off %patch $6C4D $04 $00 #Lights on #Light palettes: %patch $6C4D $97 $25 #Lights on %patch $6C6C $19 $25 #Lights off #Speed of lightswitcing: (Level freezes for this long) %patch $6C60 $01 $00 #Off %patch $6C41 $01 $00 #On #Stop lights... %patch $6DC2 $91 $FE #Turning off %patch $6DC7 $6E $FE #Turning on ********** LIVES LEFT BOX ********** #Lives left box height %patch $9813 $04 $00 #Lives left box width %patch $9817 $10 $00 #Where the Keens left text is called from %patch $9826 $A7 $2F #Keens in box aren't shown %patch $9820 $17 #The sprite used for keens*16 %patch $983E $8C $00 #Keens y position [pixels] from top of box %patch $984B $0B $00