********** DONE MARKERS ********** #Change the done markers %patch $8B31 $38 $00 #small done marker %patch $8BAA $34 $00 %patch $8BC3 $35 $00 %patch $8BDA $36 $00 %patch $8BF4 $37 $00 ********** DOORS ********** See also KEYCARDS When doors are opened, tiles are copied from the level and then 'pasted' over it as an 'animation' You can edit the location of these tiles if you wish #Doors just disappear: %patch $5DA9 $C3 #Opening door tile locations: %patch $5E15 $10 #Copy from here (1 tile down) %patch $5E17 $00 $00 #To 2 tiles down %patch $5E32 $20 #Copy from here (2 tiles down) %patch $5E34 $00 $00 #To 3 tiles down %patch $5E4F $30 #From here (3 tiles down) %patch $5E51 $00 $00 #To 4 tiles down becomes FOREGROUND