#Disable: %patch $4AA4 $C3 #Window size: %patch $4AB8 $0D $00 #Window height %patch $4ABC $16 $00 #Window width #Text read from: [value + 17780 = location] %patch $4AD9 $EB $36 #Message 1 %patch $4B15 $4C $28 #Change this line only %patch $4B1D $EB $52 #Message 2 %patch $4B74 $0C $29 #Change this line only (Text is in two parts because it is too long.) %patch $4B86 $14 $2A #End of windows message #Elders Text-level 8 %patch $19FCC "The Elder Vorticon " $0A "in the stasis field " $0A "says: " $0A "The wise vorticon " $0A "never jumps in the " $0A "dark. In fact, even " $0A "unwise Vorticons will " $0A "not jump in darkness. " $0A " " $00 #Elders Text-level 10 %patch $1A08C "The Vorticon Elder " $0A "says through the " $0A "stasis field: " $0A "The Grand Intellect " $0A "is not from Vorticon " $0A "VI-- he is from the " $0A "planet Earth. His evil" $0A %patch $1A12D "mind-belts control " $0A "their minds. They are " $0A "not evil. Please do " $0A "not shoot them, human." $0A " " $00 #End of vorticon messages %patch $1A194 "Press ENTER:" $00