***************************************** 5.) What sprites do when shot and sprite strength: ***************************************** These behaviours are for what happens when the sprite is killed either by shooting, contact with Keen or other sprites, or when programmed to disapear. This is followed by the strengths of various sprites [Number of shots needed to kill them] Some special notes on this behaviour: The behaviour 'Do nothing' is used for dead sprites and means Keen can't shoot or interact with them. Changing this will mean Keen can say, shoot a dead sprite, or that the dead sprite actually becoes a live one [But the shocked sprite will show first, looking like a transformation, also the created sprite will be immortal] A good patch is to make a dead sprite spawn a shocked sprite. Note that giving a sprite the Do nothing behaviour will make it immortal, but only dead sprites wil let shots pass through them, unless the sprites Keen interaction is changed to say, $01 $00 [see above] Dead sprites will still disappear when they go offscreen no matter what behaviour they have. The Moving platforms behaviour is difficult to change. The Tantalus ray behaviour is interesting; an sprite given it will run the entire Tantalus ray code when shot; all the tiles replaced when a Tantalus ray is shot will be replaced, wherever Keen is in the level [Usually looks quite messy] If Keen is in the right level, shooting, or even *touching* the sprite will save a city. Only one city can be saved in that level, but any of the sprites patched can act as the tantalus ray. See Misc patches and the Tantalus ray for ways of changing the Tantalus ray's tiles more usefully Making Keen's bullet behaviour $8C $3F [Like the vorticon] will make it kill enemies, but pass right through them instead of being destroyed. Making an enemy bullet do this makes it pass through Keen while killing him. The enemy shot and Keen shot death behaviours are different, especially when interacting with the Robot and Elite that shoot them If a sprite is made shootable but has no strength value [say a Robot] then it will take one shot to kill. If a sprite is made invincible its strength doesn't matter. The Moving platform has a strength, even though its behaviour makes it invincible, this is useful for patching Neither the Scrub nor Vortikid has a strength, so take one shot #What sprites do when they 'die' %patch $3C1D $8C $3F #Create a dead Vorticon [Used by Vort] %patch $3C7F $93 $40 #Create a dead Vortikid [Used by Vortikid] %patch $3CE1 $83 $42 #Create a dead Vort Elite [Used by Vort elite] %patch $3D43 $07 $45 #Create a dead Scrub [Used by scrub] %patch $3D85 $77 $46 #Shots hit it, keeps going [Used by Robot] %patch $3DCD $A2 $61 #Do nothing [Used by Moving platform] %patch $3E0F $16 $47 #Tantalus ray behaviour [see notes above] [Used by Tantalus ray] %patch $3FC1 $A2 $61 #Do nothing [Used by Dead Vorticon] %patch $40C3 $A2 $61 #Do nothing [Used by Dead Vortikid] %patch $42B7 $A2 $61 #Do nothing [Used by Dead Elite] %patch $452E $A2 $61 #Do nothing [Used by Dead Scrub] %patch $482F $A2 $61 #Do nothing [Used by Dead Keen??] %patch $7452 $A8 $75 #Zap against walls and bullets [Used by Keen's bullet] %patch $75CE $A2 $61 #Do nothing [Used by unknown] %patch $7677 $5F $77 #Zap against walls, bullets and Keen [Used by Enemy shot] %patch $778F $A2 $61 #Do nothing [Used by Zap/Zot] #Strengths of sprites [Shots needed to kill] %patch $3D8A $63 $00 #Robot %patch $3C22 $01 $00 #Vorticon %patch $3CE6 $02 $00 #Vorticon Elite *minus one* [i.e, 3 shots needed]