********** ORDERING INFO ********** #Ordering Info text; Offset in three sections: #Section one, offset 8 characters, #Section two, offset 1 character, #section three no offset %patch $1632C "Commander Keen: Invasion" $0A $00 %patch $16346 "of the Vorticons consists" $0A $00 %patch $16361 " of three unique and" $0A $00 %patch $16379 " challenging episodes:" $0A $00 %patch $16392 "1. Marooned on Mars $15" $0A $00 %patch $163AD "2. The Earth Explodes $15" $0A $00 %patch $163C8 "3. Keen Must Die! $15" $0A $00 %patch $163E3 " Order the trilogy for $30 and you get" $0A $00 %patch $1640B " * The 'Secret Hints & Tricks' sheet" $0A $00 %patch $16432 " * The special 'cheat mode' password" $0A $00 %patch $16459 " * The latest version of each game" $0A $00 %patch $1647E " * SEVERAL FREE BONUS GAMES!" $0A $0A $00 %patch $1649E " Mail orders to:" $0A $00 %patch $164C6 "(U.S. funds only Apogee Software" $0A $00 %patch $164EE "checks or M/O's P.O. Box 476389" $0A $00 %patch $16516 "include $2 P&H) Garland, TX 75047" $0A $0A $0A $00 %patch $16542 "Specify 5.25/3.5 disk size when ordering" $0A $00 %patch $1656C " Or order toll free: 1-800-852-5659 " $0A $00 #Text read from: %patch $A4AA $DC $32 #First line (Offset 8) %patch $A4B3 $F6 $32 %patch $A4BC $11 $33 %patch $A4C5 $29 $33 %patch $A4CE $42 $33 %patch $A4D7 $5D $33 %patch $A4E0 $78 $33 %patch $A4F2 $93 $33 #First line (Offset 1) %patch $A505 $BB $33 #First line (No offset) %patch $A50E $E2 $33 %patch $A517 $09 $34 %patch $A520 $2E $34 %patch $A529 $4E $34 %patch $A532 $76 $34 %patch $A53B $9E $34 %patch $A544 $C6 $34 %patch $A54D $F2 $34 %patch $A55C $1C $35 #Offsets: %patch $A49B 12 #Offset 8 (12 - 4 = 8) %patch $A4E9 5 #Offset 1 (5 - 4 = 1)