********** RAYGUN ********** #Number of shots each raygun gives: %patch $44A4 $01 #Bullets Keen has @ start %patch $9008 $0A $00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Get an extra life every xx ammo #SIDE EFFECT: Level dims when life is got #SIDE EFFECT: Keen can't shoot %patch $44A0 $E8 $17 $02 $90 $90 #This part gives and extra life %patch $46BA $FF $06 $C8 $AA $83 $3E $C8 $AA $xx $74 $01 $C3 $FF $06 $C6 $AA $C7 $06 $C8 $AA $00 $00 $E8 $BA $25 $E8 $73 $25 $C3 #NOTE: By default the raygun increases the ammo counter ($C8) which, when it ($C8) #reaches $xx gives Keen another life and then it ($C8) is set to $00 You can change #what counter is used so that, for example, getting 100 pogoes gives Keen a life and #then sets his pogo to 1 (Still got) The following are the different counters: $94: Joystick $96: Vaccum $98: Whiskey $9A: Pogo $9C: Battery $9E: Yellow card $A0; Red card $A2: Green card $A4: Blue card $A6: Level 1 $A8: Level 2 $AA: Level 3 $AC: Level 4 $AE: Level 5 $B0: Level 6 $B2: Level 7 $B4: Level 8 $B6: Level 9 $B8: Level 10 $BA: Level 11 $BC: Level 12 $BE: Level 13 $C0: Level 14 $C2: Level 15 $C4: Level 16 $C6: Lives $C8: Ammo $CA: Points $CC: Points * 65536 EXAMPLE: This patch DOESN'T give Keen an extra life, but instead lets him skip level 3 if he gets 100 ammo: %patch $46BA $FF $06 $C8 $AA $83 $3E $C8 $AA $64 #Rayguns increase ammo, and when ammo = $64... $74 $01 $C3 $FF $06 $C6 $AA $C7 $06 $AA $AA $01 $00 $E8 $BA $25 $E8 $73 #Set level 3 done to 1 $25 $C3 EXAMPLE: This patch steals Keen's pogos AND gives a life when he gets 4 red keycards. Rayguns give an extra life %patch $44A0 $E8 $17 $02 $90 $90 #This part gives and extra life %patch $46BA $FF $06 $C6 $AA $83 $3E $A0 $AA $04 #Rayguns increase lives, and when red card = $04... $74 $01 $C3 $FF $06 $C6 $AA $C7 $06 $9A $AA $00 $00 $E8 $BA $25 $E8 $73 #Set pogo to 0 $25 $C3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------