********** ICE CANNONS ********** For patches affecting Icecube, behaviour, etc, see the directory SPRITE PATCHES in the Keen1 folder. It contains all known patches to do with all sprites. They also contain patches that deal with the icecube fragments. ********** ICE CUBETTES [ICECUBE FRAGMENTS] ********** See SPRITE PATCHES directory ********** ITEMS-BATTERY, VACUM, ETC ********** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Change what the items are worth/do #Have how many and what at game start #First byte is what, last two are how many (By default Keen is given 4x0 parts) %patch $9012 $94 $AA $00 #joystick %patch $9018 $9C $AA $00 #battery %patch $901E $96 $AA $00 #vacum %patch $9024 $98 $AA $00 #everclear #How many of what item tiles give: #First byte is what, last two are how many %patch $4448 $94 $AA $01 $00 #Joystick %patch $4454 $9C $AA $01 $00 #Battery %patch $4460 $96 $AA $01 $00 #Vacum %patch $446C $98 $AA $01 $00 #Everclear #What lights up status window tiles %patch $101D $94 #Joystick %patch $1049 $9C #Battery %patch $1075 $96 #Vacum %patch $10A1 $98 #Whiskey #What we need before we can win: (ALL four entries must have a value above 1) %patch $8022 $94 #Joystick %patch $8029 $9C #Battery %patch $8030 $96 #Vacum %patch $8037 $98 #Whiskey #What makes the parts appear in the highscores: %patch $8C14 $94 #Joystick %patch $8C38 $9C #Battery %patch $8C5E $96 #Vacum %patch $8C85 $98 #Whiskey #What makes the parts appear at the BwB-parts window: %patch $AE72 $94 #Joystick %patch $AE97 $9C #Battery %patch $AEBC $96 #Vacum %patch $AEE1 $98 #Whiskey #What the first byte means: $94: Joystick $96: Vaccum $98: Whiskey $9A: Pogo $9C: Battery $9E: Yellow card $A0; Red card $A2: Green card $A4: Blue card $A6: Level 1 $A8: Level 2 $AA: Level 3 $AC: Level 4 $AE: Level 5 $B0: Level 6 $B2: Level 7 $B4: Level 8 $B6: Level 9 $B8: Level 10 $BA: Level 11 $BC: Level 12 $BE: Level 13 $C0: Level 14 $C2: Level 15 $C4: Level 16 $C6: Lives $C8: Ammo $CA: Points ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Parts levels (Part removed if you die in this level) %patch $4F69 8 #Joystick %patch $4F70 3 #Battery %patch $4F75 4 #Vacum %patch $4F7C 16 #Everclear #What happens in special levels; first byte is what is affected, #last two are what it is set to: %patch $4F8C $94 $AA $00 $00 #Joystick %patch $4F84 $9C $AA $00 $00 #Battery %patch $4F94 $96 $AA $00 $00 #Vacum %patch $4F9C $98 $AA $00 $00 #Everclear #What the four parts bytes mean: $94: Joystick $96: Vaccum $98: Whiskey $9A: Pogo $9C: Battery $9E: Yellow card $A0; Red card $A2: Green card $A4: Blue card $A6: Level 1 $A8: Level 2 $AA: Level 3 $AC: Level 4 $AE: Level 5 $B0: Level 6 $B2: Level 7 $B4: Level 8 $B6: Level 9 $B8: Level 10 $BA: Level 11 $BC: Level 12 $BE: Level 13 $C0: Level 14 $C2: Level 15 $C4: Level 16 $C6: Lives $C8: Ammo $CA: Points ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #When Keen dies, lose or gain parts; there are four values, one for each part (B,V,J,E) #If zero, then the part is taken, if 1 it is given this patch takes all parts when you die %patch $8041 $E8 $16 $CF $90 %patch $4F58 $EB $46 $C7 $06 $94 $AA $00 $00 $C7 $06 $96 $AA $00 $00 $C7 $06 $98 $AA $00 $00 $C7 $06 $9C $AA $00 $00 $FF $0E $C6 $AA $C3 #When exiting level, lose or gain parts; there are four values, one for each part (B,V,J,E) #If zero, then the part is taken, if 1 it is given this patch takes all parts at exit %patch $8041 $E8 $16 $CF $90 %patch $4F58 $C7 $06 $9C $AA $00 $00 $C7 $06 $94 $AA $00 $00 $C7 $06 $96 $AA $00 $00 $C7 $06 $98 $AA $00 $00 $EB $2E #What the four parts bytes mean: $94: Joystick $96: Vaccum $98: Whiskey $9A: Pogo $9C: Battery $9E: Yellow card $A0; Red card $A2: Green card $A4: Blue card $A6: Level 1 $A8: Level 2 $AA: Level 3 $AC: Level 4 $AE: Level 5 $B0: Level 6 $B2: Level 7 $B4: Level 8 $B6: Level 9 $B8: Level 10 $BA: Level 11 $BC: Level 12 $BE: Level 13 $C0: Level 14 $C2: Level 15 $C4: Level 16 $C6: Lives $C8: Ammo $CA: Points ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Change the score amount that items give Keen when collected %patch $4471 $20 $4E #Default is 20000 #Keen doesn't lose ship parts on dying in their levels. #Each line is seperate and for 1 part %patch $4F82 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 #Joystick %patch $4F8A $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 #Battery %patch $4F92 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 #Vacum %patch $4F9A $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 #everclear ********** ITEMS-POINTS ********** #Changing pointitem scores: #These use the default values. %patch $15078 $64 $00 #100 %patch $1507A $C8 $00 #200 %patch $15076 $F4 $01 #500 %patch $1507C $E8 $03 #1000 %patch $1507E $88 $13 #5000 #Points Keen has at game start: (0) %patch $9008 $00 $00