********** HIGH SCORES TABLE ********** See also HIGH SCORES WINDOW; TEXT PATCHES -> HIGH SCORES WINDOW #Default entries: %patch $1593F "Yorpy " %patch $1594E "Gargile " %patch $1595D "Zzzzzzt " #Change high score table item tiles %patch $992A $DD $00 # Joystick 8c1a 8c3e 8c64 8c8b %patch $995D $ED $00 # Battery %patch $9990 $F1 $00 # Vacuum cleaner %patch $99C3 $F5 $00 # Whisky bottle #Stop the high score items animating %patch $9929 $B8 #joystick %patch $995C $B8 #battery %patch $998F $B8 #Vacum %patch $99C2 $B8 #Whiskey #Always show item [whether its got or not] %patch $9900 $90 #Joystick %patch $9937 $90 #Battery %patch $9969 $90 #Vacum cleaner %patch $999D $90 #Whiskey #Don't show the four items [Whether they're got or not] %patch $9928 $90 #Joystick %patch $995B $90 #Battery %patch $998E $90 #Vacum cleaner %patch $99C1 $90 #Whiskey #How many entries are shown in the highscore table [Max 7] %patch $9A18 $07 #Highscore text uses white backgrounded writing [Calls 62D2] %patch $99FA $E8 $D5 $C8 #Score %patch $9A10 $E8 $BF $C8 #Name #Don't show scores %patch $99FA $90 $90 $90 #Don't show names %patch $9A0B $90 #Bitmaps: %patch $9875 $03 #High Scores %patch $9887 $04 #Name %patch $9899 $05 #Score %patch $98AB $06 #Parts #Don't show bitmaps: %patch $987E $90 #High Scores %patch $9890 $90 #Name %patch $989F $90 #Score %patch $98B2 $90 #Parts #Positions of sprites: %patch $9879 $07 #High scores v %patch $987D $0F $00 #High scores h %patch $988B $2C #name v %patch $988F $09 $00 #Name h %patch $989D $2C #Score v %patch $98A1 $17 $00 #Score h %patch $98AF $2C #Parts v %patch $98B3 $21 $00 #Parts h #Where items are on the highscore table %patch $99EE $01 #Scores %patch $9A03 $09 $00 #Names %patch $991E $0E #Battery %patch $9951 $0F #Joystick %patch $9984 $10 #Vacum %patch $99B7 $11 #Whiskey #Table location in level (Defualt = 4,1) %patch $9A2C $40 #H * 10 (In tiles) %patch $9A3D $00 #V / 16 (In tiles) %patch $9A38 $10 #V * 16 (In pixels) #Misc ways of altering what selecting 'High Scores' *from the menu* does: %patch $9A4A $90 #Acts like 'Return to demo' option [takes you to title screen] %patch $9A6B $90 #The menu the 'can only save game on map' message pops up %patch $9A6C $90 #high scores appear for only 1 second %patch $9A70 $90 #Exit the game after looking at high scores. %patch $9A5A $90 #Start new game after viewing scores ********** HIGH SCORES WINDOW ********** See also HIGH SCORES, TEXT PATCHES -> HIGH SCORES WINDOW %patch $8ADF $C3 #Don't Display window, can't affect scores! %patch $8D8C 12 #Max length of name that can be written %patch $8F0B $04 $04 $04 $04 $04 $04 $04 $04 $04 #Only show highscores $04 $04 $04 $04 $04 $04 $04 $04 #briefly after window #Window: %patch $8B7C $0D $00 #Height (lines) %patch $8B80 $20 $00 #Width (Letters) %patch $8BA4 $07 $00 #GAME OVER bitmap used %patch $8BB5 $09 $00 #Bitmap h location %patch $8BDF $04 $00 #How far down text starts %patch $8C1A $C0 $01 #Joystick got tile %patch $8C3E $C1 $01 #Battery got tile %patch $8C64 $C2 $01 #Vaccum got tile %patch $8C8B $C3 $01 #Whiskey got tile #Tile positions; $40 means 1 8x8 square; other values are #in pixels or squares; the h position START is specified, #all tiles are then 1 extra down from the TEXT with smaller #adjustments to suit: %patch $8C0D $0B $00 #Parts tiles h position [squares] %patch $8C20 $40 $40 #Joystick v 1 [1 tile down] %patch $8C29 $FC $FF #Joystick v 2 [3 pixels up] %patch $8C20 $40 $40 #Battery v 1 [1 tile down] %patch $8C4D $FC $FF #Battery v 2 [3 pixels up] %patch $8C53 $40 $40 #Battery h [1 tile right] %patch $8C6A $40 $40 #Vaccum v 1 [1 tile down] %patch $8C73 $FC $FF #Vaccum v 2 [3 pixels up] %patch $8C53 $04 $00 #Battery h [2 tiles right] %patch $8C91 $40 $40 #Whiskey v 1 [1 tile down] %patch $8C9A $FC $FF #Whiskey v 2 [3 pixels up] %patch $8CA1 $06 $00 #Battery h [3 tiles right] #Text read from: %patch $8AEE $B6 $2A #Look here for SCORES file %patch $8AFE $C2 $2A #Look here for first, second... %patch $8AFE $36 $2E #SCORE: %patch $8BEE 10 #Display score in base(10) %patch $8CB6 $46 $2E #CONGRATULATIONS! %patch $8CBF $5F $2E #You got %patch $8CDA $6D $2E #place! Enter... #Text %patch $15E86 " SCORE:" $00 %patch $15E96 " CONGRATULATIONS!" $0A $00 %patch $15EAF " You got " $00 %patch $15B13 "first" $00 $00 "second" $00 $00 "third" $00 $00 "fourth" $00 $00 "fifth" $00 $00 "sixth" $00 $00 "last" $00 $00 %patch $15EBD " place!" $0A $0A $0A "Enter your name:" $00