********** ABOUT ID ********** All lines must end with $0A; adding another $0A will lower the next line a space for every extra $0A added. The $0A counts as a cahracter, so each extra one added must shorten the line's text by one space. (As you can see.) #About ID text %patch $15F80 "We are a group of software artists " $0A %patch $15FA8 "whose goal is to bring commercial " $0A %patch $15FD0 "quality software to the public " $0A %patch $15FF8 "at shareware prices. " $0A $0A %patch $16020 "Our effort is only possible with " $0A %patch $16048 "your support. Without it, we cannot " $0A %patch $16070 "continue to make this fine " $0A %patch $16098 "software so affordable. " $0A $0A %patch $160C0 "Thank you in advance for your " $0A %patch $160E8 "contribution to the future of the " $0A %patch $16110 "growing shareware market. " $0A ********** AMMO ********** See RAYGUN #Set ammo to 0 after exiting each level %patch $4F43 $31 $C0 $A3 $9E $AA $A3 $A0 $AA $A3 $A2 $AA $A3 $A4 $AA $A3 $9A $AA $A3 $C8 $AA $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90